Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The past two weeks have taken its toll on our strength and sanity. With immunotherapy treatment comes with immunotherapy side effects. I thought since we had made it a couple of months with minimal side effects, that was it.........
Pulmonary issues...steroids
Steroids.......steroid induced hyperglycemia
Steroid induced hyperglycemia.......violent side effects. Vomiting, diarrhea, rash, crankiness, forgetful, loss of appetite. He has become the new seven dwarfs. Don't judge because there are only six. We have spent two weekends in the hospital. It is exhausting for both of us both mentally and physically. Losing almost 40 pounds in three months. I am constantly in fear. I find myself watching as if he were a ticking time bomb. I freak out when someone comes around me deliberately knowing they have a contagious disease like the flu. Anything could trigger a life altering event.